He was going to die.
The thought shook me to my core, and I didn’t hesitate to step up as a marrow donor when called from the registry as a high-match for this complete stranger.
After talking with doctors about what this experience would entail, I thought to myself, “How are they going to get through this immense amount of fat and get the marrow out of my hip bone?”
I decided I had to lose weight. I must do this for him.
About thirty pounds were gone when they notified me that a better match had been found. The reason for taking care of my health was removed. What was I going to do now?
I came to a moment of truth I wasn’t expecting—I was willing to fight for a stranger’s life, but not for my own? I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I wasn’t going back. ‘Back there’ was too painful. It was time to come up with a plan, a new picture for what my life would become. And I have since held this vision close to my heart every single day of the journey.

I started searching online for evidence that this was even possible, and I found stories of people who had achieved success.
Sometimes, faith just isn’t enough. You’ve got to see it with your own eyes in order to believe it.
They had what I wanted; they were the proof I needed to know it was possible. It took some time, but eventually I started venturing out into these weight loss communities, connecting with others who wanted to be things and do things just like me.
And they saw so many great things in me. I wanted those things, to be this person they saw so clearly within me. Learning from them and feeling their support made all the difference in achieving my goals.
I’ve created this site to be that proof for you.
To share my journey and affirm for you that this is possible, you can lose the weight and be all the things you want to be, do all the things you want to do with your life.
One of the best parts has been watching the influence this journey had on my daughter.

I was lucky to become the mother of a wonderful daughter. And in raising her, I learned that children model what they see. And trust me when I say that they watch us way more than they hear us!
My daughter is now in college and she believes there is no failure. Over the course of her life, she watched me be driven by who I wanted to be and how I wanted to show up in the world. She witnessed me experiment with life—seeing what fits and letting go of what doesn’t—in pursuit of a lifelong, personal goal. She learned that there were no failures, only opportunities to figure out another way of accomplishing what we want.
Success has two parts. The first is defining what we actually want and the second is finding the way that works for us to get there. These parts are inter-dependent . . . you can’t have one without the other.
My goal as your coach is to help you find the answers to both. It’s time to stop waiting and start directing your life. You can do this. I believe in you.